Exams and other uni shenanigans

Hey Everyone,

Not sure how many of you guys actually read this blog, but sorry for the lack of uploads over the past month, it's getting to the end of the university semester here in Australia and it's getting pretty hectic.

 Having to juggle both work and studies has kinda put me in a stressful mood lately, but its times like this that I try my best to see the light at the end of tunnel (which means I'm dying...... sorry, bad joke). I tend to freak out when exams get close, and it doesn't help that there are assignments that are due around this time as well - so here's a couple tips and tricks that I use when I feel like I'm gonna explode from all the stress.

Firstly, before everything starts to pile up, I like to set deadlines for myself, which is usually 3-7 before an exam or an assignment is due. I try to complete the assignment or revise all the stuff before the date, and have the left-over days to go over anything that I may have missed. This tip usually works out pretty good, cause having deadlines and timetables means that you have to stick to them, therefore forcing me to actually concentrate and finish them. Obviously, I don't always meet the deadlines, but I'm usually not far behind, so in a way, the stress isn't too bad.

The next tip/trick is one that I use when I've been at the desk for most the day and get stuck in a phase I like to call - "I can't take any more of this crap" phase, you know that feeling when the words on the page just don't seem to make sense or when you think you'll be able to ace the exam until you take a practice quiz and barely get a pass mark - yea that phase. When that happens to me, I go out for some fresh air, do a little exercise or even a short nap, basically anything to give my mind a break. After maybe 30 minutes to an hour, I come back and go at it again.

Anyways, my finals are coming up soon, so I gotta get back to studying. I wish you guys the best of luck for your exams or whatever you're doing. Hopefully, I'll be able to do a post before my exam period starts, if not, I'll see you guys after.  Feel free to share your tips and tricks for handling exam stress in the comment section below.

au revoir !



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