New Chapter - Moving Out

Hey Everyone,

Sorry for the lack of uploads this month, but I have been on holiday travelling to Hong Kong and Korea. I’ll be doing an upload on the holiday and the shenanigans I was up to in those countries, but today, as you can tell from the title will be about moving out – the fear of stepping out into the unknown and the new chapter of my life.

Moving out is always a scary thing, whether it for necessity like me, or simply deciding that it’s the right step for you. University is about to start again in Australia and as I attend a university that is not in my local area, I had to move out. This new and mysterious environment has given me a mixture of emotions – fear, sadness and excitement


Fear because I don’t know what my housemates are like or if I’m able to cope with sudden change of lifestyle - having to be independent and juggle all the aspects of living alone, work and study. Sadness may not be the most apropos term, but more like homesick I guess, I will definitely be missing my family members and it will probably take a while before I get used to it. Excitement -because it is a new chapter of my life and I’ve decided to face it with a positive attitude and try to embrace every aspect of it.

Moving out is also tedious work, I started packing before I left for my holiday but I needed some of the stuff for the holiday so I put everything on hold. Since returning to Australia, I’ve had about 8 or so hours to box up my life and getting ready to move out. It’s milestones like these that really help your realize that there’s a lot of things in your life that you’ve taken for granted and never really cherished properly. Going through my stuff, I’ve only managed to pack the absolute necessities that I need such as clothes, study materials + tools, toiletries, kinda making it sound like a study camp, which it is but for a more lengthy period.

Thanks for sticking around; maybe I’ll do an update on how my life is after moving out in a few months, sort of like a progress update. Until then, there’s the travel blog-post to look forward to.



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